When one of your customers cancels their subscription to your Product as a Service or Try&Buy subscription, they need to return their device to successfully cancel the subscription with you.
When the "two step cancellation" option is enabled for your project, your customer will continue to be invoiced and charged until the product return is confirmed by you. Customers that have cancelled but haven't returned their device yet will be visible in the "Pending Cancellation" filter on the Customers overview of your project.
Enabling periodic product return reminders
Important! Before you enable this feature, make sure you configure the E-mail reminder that gets sent out to your customer first! Otherwise you'll risk sending empty emails to existing customers. See below.
To make sure people don't forget to return their device, you can turn on period email reminders on the Settings > Email Configuration page menu under the Device return reminder email heading.
Reminder schedule
The initial reminder is sent to the customer two weeks after the cancellation is initiated.
After the initial reminder we will continue to remind your customer every week until you have confirmed their device return.
Configuring the periodic reminder email content
You can edit the content of the email that gets sent out as the periodic reminder for returning a customer's device. Go to Settings > Email Configuration. Then find the Email Content heading and select Device return reminder email from the dropdown to edit the subject and content of the email.