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What happens when a customer's payment fails?!
Bob Jansen avatar
Written by Bob Jansen
Updated over 5 months ago

Unfortunately, you can't always guarantee that your customer will pay their invoice on time or sometimes that they'll pay, at all, one month. 

  • When a payment fails for insufficient funds a retry of that same payment will be scheduled 2 days from the moment it fails. 
    This will only retry will only be scheduled on payment status failed, not when the payment status is charged back.

To see the failure reason (ie. insufficient funds) of a payment, hover over the status.

  • This process is executed a maximum of 3 times after the first charge, for a single payment. After the third retry (4 attempts total) the customer and subscription is marked as non-paying.
    You can update these settings in the menu 'Payment dunning'

  • We only retry if the payment status is failed and failure reason is Insufficient funds. Any other reason and the customer will be marked as non-paying after the first payment attempt. So no retry will be scheduled when the payment status is charged back.

  • The Insufficient funds status is determined by the payment service provider.

  • When a payment is scheduled for an automatic retry you can't retry it manually*.

  • If a payment is scheduled for retry, the date of the retry attempt will be displayed on the customers payment record.

  • The retry of the original payment, will be shown as a dropdown of the original            payment.

*Manual payments follow the same parameters with the exception that the first manual payment is already considered a 'retry', so our system only retries 2 more times.

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