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Add your logo to the Firmhouse checkout

Brand the Firmhouse checkout with your logo to make it yours.

Michiel Sikkes avatar
Written by Michiel Sikkes
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You can upload your logo to Firmhouse to make the checkout page and the Self Service Center feel like they're yours.

Upload your logo

Let's navigate to Settings > Your business to configure your branding.

  • The first section on this configuration page is the Branding one. We have 2 actions to take here:
    Upload a company logo. If the upload doesn't show right away, click on "Update project" to get the picture to load.

  • Select an accent color that fits your company's branding. This color is used in some areas of the SSC.

Configure the logo on the checkout page

You can choose between three different sizes when displaying your logo on the checkout page: Normal, Large, and Very Large

Go to Checkout > Preferences and scroll down to Customise Appearance and choose your preferred logo size. This will update the logo on all customer facing screens such as checkout, manual invoice payment flow, update payment method, etc...

Preview the checkout page by going to Checkout > Adjust content and click on Preview Page

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