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Explaining the Customers overview

How to use the Customers overview in Firmhouse in managing your subscription business

Bob Jansen avatar
Written by Bob Jansen
Updated over a week ago

One of the most important overviews in Firmhouse is the Customers overview. Here you can view all your customers and click on them to see more details.

You can access the Customers overview in the menu on the left:

Filters in the Customers overview

As you can see there are different filters on the top:

  • All customers

  • Non paying: a customer is marked as non paying if payment failure is due to another reason than insufficient funds, or if the customer has 3 or more failed payments

  • Pending cancellations: the customer has cancelled their subscription but still has to return their device

  • Cancelled: the customer has cancelled their subscription and returned the device

Exporting the Customers list

If you want to export the list of customers in a CSV format you can easily do so by clicking on the Export to CSV button on the top-right. The file will be downloaded right away:

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