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Managing discount codes

Allow customers to sign up with a discount

Michiel Sikkes avatar
Written by Michiel Sikkes
Updated over 12 months ago

You can offer discounts that get activated on checkout by creating discount codes. A discount code can then be used by your customer on the checkout step or when creating a subscription via the Firmhouse API.

When creating discount code you must choose which discount will get activated with the code. Discount themselves are managed separately from discount codes. So in practice, you will first create a discount and then create one or multiple codes that will activate a specific discount on checkout.

The reason why it is set up in this way is so that you can also automatically or manually apply a certain discount for a customer without your customer having to use a code on checkout.

To learn how to create discounts and what discount options you have, please follow the following article: Giving discounts to your customer

Creating a discount code

First of all, make sure you already have a discount available in your Firmhouse project. Discounts can be created via the Discounts sidebar menu.


  1. From your Firmhouse project, click Discount Codes in the sidebar or menu.

  2. On the Discount Codes page, click the Create discount code button on the top-right.

  3. In the Discount code field enter the text of the discount code that your customers will enter at checkout. Be aware that discount codes are currently case sensitive.

  4. In the Number of times this code can be used in total field enter how many checkouts can use this code.

  5. In the Discount to apply dropdown, select the Discount you want to activate with this code.

Removing or disabling a discount code

Discount codes are automatically disabled when their usage limit has reached. You can alsof fully disable and remove a discount code immediately.


  1. From your Firmhouse project, click Discount Codes in the sidebar or menu.

  2. On the Discount Codes page, find the discount code you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove

πŸ’‘ When removing or disabling a discount code, the attached discount is not impacted. Customers that have the associated discount already active will keep that discount. You can also apply discounts to a customer manually, even if there are no (active) codes for it.

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